
Trends 2020: An Invitation from Ellie Frey Zagel

Posted on March 19, 2019 by Ellie Frey Zagel

A gold pen rests on a survey form, which has some X marks.
NCFP’s inaugural study on trends in family philanthropy, Trends 2015, was the first benchmark study of its kind, designed to collect timely and actionable information about the field at a national level. NCFP Board Member Ellie Frey Zegel invites you to be a part of Trends 2020, which will include questions relevant to ongoing changes in the field including issues of equity, place-based giving, transparency, the role of the donor, and the question of spend down versus perpetuity… Read More

Donor-Advised Fund Impact Story: Giving Internationally through Two DAFs

Posted on March 15, 2019 by Elaine Gast Fawcett

Sasha Rabsey is the founder, director, and a philanthropic advisor with the HOW Fund, a donor advised fund she established more than a decade ago through the Tides Foundation in San Francisco. Through this fund, Rabsey supports grassroots leaders who recognize the strength, courage, and capacity of women and girls globally, and who address a constellation of their needs through direct-service projects… Read More