Voices from the Field

Ingredients for Grantee Collaboration Success: A Case Study

Posted on November 12, 2019 by Elizabeth Versten

Wordle - Collaboration related words
My board members often remark, “There are so many organizations addressing this issue, it’d be great if they could work together.” I serve as executive director of several foundations, one of which is anonymous, based in a family office outside Chicago. My foundations all support excellent nonprofits we wish would share expertise, if not officially collaborate. Through the years, we… Read More
Voices from the Field

Explore the Origins of Family Wealth: Masto Foundation

Posted on November 8, 2019 by Elaine Gast Fawcett

Cover of the Passages Issue Brief, Bridging the Power Divide, with a person teaching a few others in a room
As a family funder, how can you acknowledge and responsibly navigate the power of your position? How does the power and privilege you hold affect those you interact with and support? How can you use your power for good—to make lasting impact? This Passages Issue Brief features stories, perspectives, and practical tips on power, and suggestions for how family funders can work… Read More
Voices from the Field

How Technology Can Be the Bridge Between Generations

Posted on November 7, 2019 by Melissa Greiner

teaching a grandmother technology with a tablet
Like most family philanthropists, you’ve got succession planning on your mind. And for good reason. According to the Stanford Social Innovation Review, “In the next 20 years, an estimated $30 trillion will be inherited in the United States as the large and prosperous Baby Boomer generation passes its wealth on to the next generation. This is the largest wealth transfer… Read More
Voices from the Field

Unleash Community Leadership: Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund

Posted on November 1, 2019 by Elaine Gast Fawcett

Cover of the Passages Issue Brief, Bridging the Power Divide, with a person teaching a few others in a room
As a family funder, how can you acknowledge and responsibly navigate the power of your position? How does the power and privilege you hold affect those you interact with and support? How can you use your power for good—to make lasting impact? This Passages Issue Brief features stories, perspectives, and practical tips on power, and suggestions for how family funders can work… Read More
Network News

November 2019: News and Notes from NCFP’s Friends of the Family Network

Posted on October 31, 2019 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

Colorful pumpkins and fresh beet in box on old wooden table with sackcloth
Friends Focus highlights updates from members of our Friends of the Family network and their cutting edge work. This month features updates from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation; McKnight Foundation; Perrin Family Foundation; Russell Family Foundation; and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Are you a current Friend or Leadership Circle member of NCFP with an update or good news about your… Read More