Valaida Fullwood is author of Giving Back: A Tribute to Generations of African American Philanthropists, creator of The Soul of Philanthropy exhibit, and co-founder of New Generation of African American Philanthropists, a giving circle in Charlotte, NC. Read The Sweetness of Circles for more on the country’s Black-led giving circles.
The Blacker The Circle
Posted on August 12, 2019 by Valaida Fullwood

Jolted by a stream of recent events, I have been reminded of the value and myriad benefits of Black-led giving circles and why I am a member of one. Hardly alone in this consciousness, I joined two chroniclers and members of giving circles to write "The Sweetness of Circles." In that opinion piece, we share our collective views on why giving circles have growing appeal among Black Americans in these trying times… Read More
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