Dr. Una Osili, an internationally recognized expert on philanthropy, frequently speaks across the country on issues related to national and international trends in philanthropy and has been quoted by national news media outlets such as The New York Times, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, and Nonprofit Times. Dr. Osili previously served as the Interim Director of Research and has been the Director of Research at the Center on Philanthropy since 2009. Dr. Osili is the current Chair of the Research Committee of the Women’s Philanthropy Institute, and is a member of the Research Committee of the Lake Institute for Faith and Giving.
With family members living far apart, what steps can families take to build family identity and bonds that once evolved naturally from living in close proximity? How can family members whose lives have taken different paths forge a genuinely collaborative team driven by a mission derived from and embraced by the family? How are families balancing the commitment to the foundation's "home town" and their growing concern for their own region?… Read More
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