Tony Proscio is a consultant to foundations and major nonprofit organizations on strategic planning, evaluation, and communication. His clients have included the Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Rockefeller, and F.B. Heron Foundations, the California Endowment, and the United Nations Secretariat. From 2013 to 2019 he was associate director of the Center for Strategic Philanthropy and Civil Society at Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy, where he remains a senior fellow. At Duke, he specialized in research on limited-life philanthropy, closely observing the work of several foundations that recently closed or were drawing near the end of their intended lifespan. This included producing detailed chronicles of the final years of The Atlantic Philanthropies and the Avi Chai Foundation, both of which cease grantmaking in 2020. In the 1990s, he was associate editor of The Miami Herald, where he was lead editorial writer on economic issues and wrote a weekly opinion column.


Philanthropic Spend Down: A Retreat Sponsored by the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation (April 2020)

Posted on November 21, 2019 by Christopher G. Oechsli, Barbara Kibbe, Tony Proscio

In light of COVID-19, all attendees have been directly contacted and offered an abbreviated virtual program or to register for our October west coast retreat in California or to review other options with staff. A rescheduled date for this east coast retreat will be announced in late May. Additional support opportunities were also sent to attendees, on behalf of our… Read More

The Power of Urgency: Options for Spending Down and Limited Life Foundations

Posted on November 14, 2013 by Alice Buhl, Joseph W. “Joe” Clark, Tony Proscio

This conversation will provide a fascinating look at the advantages and disadvantages of the limited life approach, both for the community of grantees and for family members themselves. Even if your family is not currently considering the limited life option, the strategic approaches taken by the boards of these foundations to achieve their goals will offer many valuable lessons and insights… Read More