Sharon Schneider

Founder and Principal, Integrated Capital Strategies

Sharon Schneider is an entrepreneur, impact investor, philanthropy expert and strategy consultant to the next generation of social impact founders and family offices. She is Founder and Principal at Integrated Capital Strategies which specializes in setting up and working with hybrid impact organizations that use a range of tools to accomplish their social mission, from grants and investments to advocacy and even operating businesses. 

Previously, Sharon served as Executive Director of the Telluray Foundation in Colorado and was the founding Director of the Walton Personal Philanthropy Group. She was also co-founder and CEO of the for profit social enterprise Moxie Jean, an online marketplace for high quality, gently used clothes. Moxie Jean won a Chicago Innovation Award in 2013 and was a 2012 portfolio company of renowned tech accelerator Excelerate Labs (now TechStars Chicago). Moxie Jean was acquired by Schoola in 2015. Before starting Moxie Jean, Sharon spent 12 years as a staff member and consultant to private foundations, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trusts, and dozens of small family foundations, on issues ranging from strategic planning and outcome management to engaging your family in philanthropy. Sharon has an M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania and a B.A. (summa cum laude) from the University of Toledo. She lives in Denver with her husband and their three children.


Going Beyond the Private Foundation: An Exploration of Vehicles

Posted on December 7, 2020 by Mark Newhouse, Eric Stephenson, Sharon Schneider, Will Fitzpatrick

stacks of coins growing larger
The practice of family philanthropy is evolving and so too are the structures that social impact practitioners employ to accomplish their objectives. However, a number of questions remain on the minds of philanthropic families. What are the available vehicles that promote social impact? How do families leverage multiple vehicles successfully? What is the role of a private foundation in relation… Read More