Widely known as a provocative speaker and stimulating author, Rushworth Kidder brings more than 30 years of insights to his discussions of corporate and global ethics. Dr. Kidder’s latest book, Moral Courage (HarperCollins, 2005), uses real-life stories from business, education, government, sports, and other areas to explain what moral courage is, what it does, and how we can develop it. Dr. Kidder’s previous book, How Good People Make Tough Choices: Resolving the Dilemmas of Ethical Living, has been praised by Jimmy Carter as “a thought-provoking guide to enlightened and progressive personal behavior.” Kidder has been a trustee of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation in Flint, Michigan, since 1990, and has board affiliations with a variety of other institutions. Read more…
Ethical issues affect every facet of a family’s philanthropy from its structure and mission to its investment, grantmaking strategies, and perhaps most importantly, governance structure. The role of ethics and values is so integral to how families define and carryout their missions, and the expectations for ethical behavior among philanthropists so high that it’s easy to become overwhelmed or stymied… Read More
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