Continuing the Rockefeller family’s legacy of thoughtful, effective philanthropy, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) remains at the forefront of philanthropic growth and innovation, advising on and managing $200 million in annual giving by individuals, families, corporations, and foundations. RPA also provides governance and operational infrastructure as the fiscal sponsor for more than 25 projects.


What is my giving style? Two considerations: Visibility & Impact

Posted on December 22, 2012 by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

This guide identifies two (among many) considerations that shape a philanthropist’s giving style. The first is the degree of visibility a donor wants (or does not want): at one end of the spectrum is the anonymous giver, and on the other end is the public advocate. The second consideration is the level of impact the donor desires: at one end is the giver who is interested in providing immediate, direct relief, and at the other is the philanthropist committed to long-term social change… Read More