Rob MacPherson serves as Vice President for Development & Philanthropic at the Central Indiana Community Foundation, where he directs asset development strategies and donor services activities for CICF. In addition to working with prospective donors to promote the advantages of partnering with CICF to fulfill charitable wishes, Rob works closely with current donors to keep them engaged with our work in the community and informed on current charitable trends in Central Indiana. Prior to joining CICF, Rob was on staff at the Arts Council of Indianapolis as Director of Special Projects.
Rob serves or has served as a board member of the Lacy Leadership Association, Indiana Civil Liberties Union Foundation, VSA Arts of Indiana, Eastside Community Investments, and Dance Kaleidoscope. He is also one of the founders of and the executive producer for Spotlight, an annual citywide performing arts benefit for the Indiana AIDS Fund that has raised more than $3 million in 15 years.
Ten ways philanthropic families work with community foundations
Posted on June 11, 2015 by Audrey Jacobs, David O. Barrett, Elizabeth Sullivan, Lauren Amos, Mark Neithercut, Rob MacPherson
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