Rachel Garbow Monroe began her term as President of the Weinberg Foundation in February of 2010. Monroe joined the Foundation in 2005 as the organization’s first Chief Operating Officer. During her tenure at the Foundation, significant changes have taken place including retention of a new team of more than 25 professional staff to execute the work of the Foundation as well as the creation and launch of: Weinberg Foundation’s Annual Community Gathering (more than 900 guests attended last year); Israel Mission Alumni Scholars Program (including more than 400 leaders, mostly from the State of Maryland); Annual Employee Giving Program (last year, Foundation employees made $180,000 in grant recommendations which were awarded at a special luncheon for the nonprofit grant recipients); and Maryland Small Grants Program (which has granted more than $13 million to several hundred Maryland nonprofits during its first five years).
Adaptive philanthropists seek to stay true to a strategic direction while remaining aware of their external environments, flexibly responding to uncertain economic and political situations, measuring results, and adapting their philanthropy based on the latest available data… Read More
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