Oona Coy is a 4th generation member and trustee of the Merck Family Fund (MFF)—roles she has held beginning when she was a 20 year old college student. She was the first member of the 4th Generation to join the board in the late 90’s and now, 28 years later, as MFF emerges from a longtime ED retirement and a strategic planning process, the Fund is almost fully passed along to 4th Generation generation leadership. She was also the Board President for 3 years from 2017-2020 and initiated the start of the Mission Related Investment (MRI) Committee in 2015.

Through MFF’s New Ideas Fund, she successfully moved funds to participatory grantmaking projects one of which is now integrated into MFF’s programs. She was a long-time Resource Generation(RG) member and a board member and the co-chair of the RG board from 2000-2006. Over the past decade, she has collaborated with Kindle Project helping to launch the Indigenous Women’s Flow Fund and SpiderWeave Flow Fund which have brought more decision makers into philanthropy. She is a former organic vegetable farmer and farmers’ market manager, mother to 2 teenage boys, and the board chair of her mother’s spend down foundation that does both c4 and c3 giving. She lives in western Massachusetts with her family, big gardens, 2 dogs and a dozen chickens.


Clarifying Your Purpose and Legacy Part Two: Generational Transitions

Posted on December 1, 2023 by Oona Coy, Grace Tenhula, Diana Spencer, Rebecca Randall

Grandfather, father, and son looking at content on a tablet
How can you prepare the next generation to confidently take the helm while also preparing the current generation of leaders to feel secure in stepping back? Our speakers, who are next generation representatives, will be sharing their own experiences of generational transitions, including the processes their philanthropies used, the complexities of nurturing leadership skills, how they fostered a deep understanding… Read More