Michèle Desjardins has extensive international consulting and management experience, particularly in organizational development, governance structures and manager evaluation and coaching. She trained as a forest engineer and pursued a career in the pulp and paper industry until the early 1990s, first at Abitibi-Price and later at Inter City Papers. After holding various positions with Price Waterhouse and the Commission des valeurs mobilières du Québec, she headed the Family Business Institute from 1994 to 1997. Appointed Senior Partner at Lansberg Gersick & Associates LLC in 1998, Ms. Desjardins is also President of Koby Consulting.


Generations of Giving: Transitions in Family Foundations

Posted on September 27, 2006 by Deanne Stone, Howard Muson, Katherine Grady, Kelin E. Gersick, Ph.D., Michele Desjardins

This excerpt from the introduction for Generations of Giving: Leadership and Continuity in Family Foundations, explores the six components of transitions in a typical family foundation, introduced as follows: The overall time span of a transition may be a few months or several years, depending on the type of transition and the complexity of the system. But we believe that… Read More