Mailee Walker

Executive Director, Claneil Foundation

Mailee became executive director of the Claneil Foundation in 2007. Prior to joining the Claneil Foundation, she was vice president, communication/program officer of the Wells Fargo Regional Foundation. She previously served as executive director of the Stanford Medical Youth Science Program and project coordinator for the Neighborhood Improvement Initiative in California. Mailee serves as a board member of Ones Up and The Philadelphia Award.  She is an advisory board member for the Center for Effective Philanthropy.  She is a member of Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy, and Asian Mosaic Fund Giving Circle. Mailee earned a BA in urban studies from Stanford University and an MBA in change management from the Wharton Graduate School of Business. She is an alumna of the Coro Fellows Program, the Center on Philanthropy’s Jane Addams Fellowship, and Leadership Philadelphia.


Meeting the Moment Part Two: Effective Communication and Building Consensus through Change

Posted on December 4, 2023 by Jessica Montague, Billy McGuinness, Robin Holloway, Lisa Pinckney, Mailee Walker

Listening well and communicating effectively are vital to understanding and implementing lasting changes in your family philanthropy. During this session, we will be exploring the journey of listening to stakeholders and peers, building consensus internally, and tracking the effect and impact of these changes all while maintaining strong relationships and navigating family dynamics. Join us to learn from family philanthropies… Read More

Application Deadline: Trust-Based Philanthropy Learning and Action Cohort

Posted on March 2, 2023 by Elizabeth Snowdon Bonner, Mailee Walker, Shaady Salehi

People taking part in a trust-based philanthropy exercise
About the Cohort The National Center for Family Philanthropy and the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project are pleased to announce a six-part Learning and Action Cohort for family foundations interested in leveraging their philanthropy toward a more just and equitable nonprofit sector. At its core, trust-based philanthropy is about addressing power imbalances and shifting our culture and practices so that nonprofits have the time,… Read More

Grantee Relationships and Power Dynamics

Posted on December 7, 2020 by Anthony Richardson, Mailee Walker, Melinda Tuan

man holding out hand - agreement, relationships
Power dynamics are inherent in traditional philanthropy: a funder gives and a grantee receives. This imbalance has the ability to inhibit productive, honest partnerships and stymie successful outcomes. It is often difficult for a grantee to discuss their needs and concerns when their financial future is on the line. Funders must acknowledge these dynamics with grantee partners and learn how… Read More