Keara Mendez

Director of Advocacy, Center for Tech and Civic Life

Keara Mendez has a decade of experience in pro-democracy advocacy, social impact work, and community organizing. She currently serves as the Director of Advocacy at the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) supporting local elections officials in securing the resources and support needed to safely and securely administer elections. She has supported the launch of several successful projects including Democracy is Good for Business, the Civic Responsibility Project, and Election Hero Day, and served on multiple nonprofit boards in Colorado. She loves to paddle board, travel, and spend time with her senior beagle, Honey.


How Family Philanthropy Can Support Free, Fair, and Representative Elections in 2024

Posted on February 7, 2024 by Keara Mendez, Marilyn Carpinteyro, Tomas Lopez, Nicholas A. Tedesco, Joe Goldman

In this salon conversation, family philanthropy donors will have the opportunity to learn about critical election-related areas of giving and major 501(c)(3) funding opportunities associated with each area. After every election cycle, nonprofit leaders working on strengthening democracy and civic engagement report that the funding they received often came too late to have meaningful impact. The goal of field leaders… Read More