Joseph W. “Joe” Clark served as president of the Eckerd Family Foundation from its inception in 1998 until its closing in 2013, leading the foundation’s grant making activities that focused on transformational interventions yielding measurable, sustainable outcomes for youth at risk between ages 12 – 25. The foundation operated as a limited life organization that followed a planned spend-down model; over its lifetime, it invested and leveraged nearly $100 million to help our nation’s most vulnerable youth successfully transition from adolescence into adulthood. Clark has served as a consultant to the Juvenile Justice Task Force of Hillsborough County and on the national steering committee of the Youth Transition Funders Group, and the board of directors of the Connected By 25™ Initiative.
This conversation will provide a fascinating look at the advantages and disadvantages of the limited life approach, both for the community of grantees and for family members themselves. Even if your family is not currently considering the limited life option, the strategic approaches taken by the boards of these foundations to achieve their goals will offer many valuable lessons and insights… Read More
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