John Seitz is the founder of FoundationMark and serves at the CEO. Prior to his current position, John worked for an Outsourced Chief Investment Office (OCIO) managing assets for nonprofit organizations, and before the OCIO firm, he spent 15 years in portfolio management and equity research. John graduated from Georgetown University with a BA in History, and earned an MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. In 1997 he received the Chartered Financial Analyst designation from AIMR.


GIV Index: Foundation Investment Performance 2021

Posted on January 10, 2022 by John Seitz

The FoundationMark Grantmaker Investment Valuation Index (“GIV”) tracks the investment performance of private foundations. Constructed using data from over 40,000 foundations, the GIV Index is the most comprehensive measure of foundation performance. This document shows performance data to December 31, 2021… Read More
Voices from the Field

New Tools for Foundations to View Peer Group Data

Posted on March 5, 2021 by John Seitz

Courtesy of Serpstat from Pexels Foundations have been badly underserved in terms of available financial benchmarking resources. Coverage of foundations tends to focus mainly on where donations dollars are going without much attention paid to what happens to the money that stays in foundations’ endowments. The few reports that are available either 1) only describe the largest foundations, 2) are… Read More