Jennifer Wegbreit

Jennifer Wegbreit

Principal and Founder, Wegbreit Impact Consulting

Jennifer Wegbreit, principal and founder of Wegbreit Impact Consulting, serves as a trusted advisor to philanthropists and social change leaders. Jennifer is an experienced nonprofit and philanthropic strategist with close to 20 years of experience in social impact and academic sectors, providing high-level strategy, capacity building, research and evaluation services. Jennifer has content area expertise in global health. Jennifer holds a Doctorate of Science (ScD) from the Harvard School of Public Health, a master’s degree in public health from the University of Michigan, and a bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of California, Berkeley.


Voices from the Field

Working Towards Foundation 2.0: Professionalizing Your Family Foundation

Posted on February 20, 2020 by Jennifer Wegbreit, Deborah Dauber

a cup of coffee sits next to a notebook and pen on a wooden table
Creating and running a family foundation can be rewarding and impactful. However, when a family foundation grows and hires non-family or family staff to operate the organization, it is imperative that systems are put in place to professionalize the foundation. These systems will introduce clarity and objectivity in decision making, reduce potential conflicts, and ensure the foundation follows best nonprofit… Read More