Jeff Zeisler

Governance Committee Chair, Flora Family Foundation

Jeff Zeisler is a Bay Area technology executive and longtime community leader. Married with three school-aged children, he is deeply involved in local education. He currently chairs the Governance Committee at the Flora Family Foundation, which he joined in 2006. He also serves as President of the Los Altos Education Foundation and enjoys coaching youth sports.


Laying the Foundation Part One: Defining Family and Its Role

Posted on November 19, 2024 by Jensie Burton, Jeff Zeisler, Nicole Seawell, John Hicks

Join us as we explore fundamental questions in the context of family philanthropy: “Who is considered family?” and “What is the role of family in family philanthropy?”   As family philanthropies evolve, choosing how to define family—whether it includes lineal descendants or extends to spouses, chosen family, or others—is essential.  Families must also decide how and when to include community voices… Read More