Jason Born is the Senior Director of Knowledge at the National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCFP), a role he has held since 2010. Jason helps track trends and leading-edge practices to inform NCFP’s development of suggested practices for effective family philanthropy; supports the President and CIO on strategies and partnerships; and serves as the head of NCFP’s internal team for responding to requests for information and assistance.

This is Jason’s is second stint at NCFP, and he previously served as NCFP’s Program Director from 1997 until 2005. Between his tenures, he helped launched the affinity group Funders Together to End Homelessness, an initiative of the Melville Charitable Trust. Prior, Jason was a program coordinator at the Council on Foundations.

Jason earned his master in economics from Tulane University and his B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis. Originally from rural Maine, he now lives outside of Boston with his wife and two sons where you can often find him on the baseball field or listening to his younger son’s rock band.


Board Compensation: Reasonable and Necessary?

Posted on April 5, 2001 by Jason Born

Deciding whether to compensate or reimburse family foundation board members can be a difficult and complex decision. This Passages Issue Brief provides guidance on the legal regulations regarding compensation, suggestions for how to initiate a conversation among your board members about whether or not compensation is appropriate, and suggestions for how to develop a written policy based on this conversation… Read More