Hannah Martin, Associate Manager, supports the research team at CEP in designing studies, analyzing quantitative and qualitative data, and writing reports.
Prior to joining CEP in June 2018, Hannah received her Master of Public Affairs from Indiana University, with concentrations in nonprofit management and policy analysis. While at IU, Hannah was a research assistant for the Indiana Nonprofits Project, where she helped administer a comprehensive survey of Indiana nonprofits, analyzed data, and wrote reports about the scope and dimensions of the Indiana nonprofit sector. In her free time, Hannah enjoys being outdoors, reading, and befriending animals.
How can funders help and support those who are working most directly with and for the populations we care most about? Read “Supporting Our Unsung Heroes in a Moment of Crisis” a series by CEP President Phil Buchanan for timely perspectives and advice. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is complicating an already complex funding landscape for nonprofits. While the need for… Read More
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