For Weissberg Foundation, Trust-Based Philanthropy Starts With Internal Culture-Building
Posted on July 29, 2020 by Hanh Le, Shaady Salehi

Hanh Le is the executive director of the Weissberg Foundation, where she leads strategy development, grantmaking, operations, and stakeholder engagement. Prior to joining the foundation in 2016, she was the chief program officer at Exponent Philanthropy, where she led educational programming, content development, and internal learning efforts. Hanh has directed training, grant, and technical assistance programs for KaBOOM!, Community Technology Centers’ Network, and the Peace Corps. She holds degrees from the College of William & Mary in environmental geology and the University of Virginia School of Architecture in urban and environmental planning. Inspired by the power of collaborative impact and the DC-area community, Hanh co-founded the Cherry Blossom Giving Circle; co-chairs the Metro-DC chapter of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy and the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers’ Racial Equity Working Group; and sits on the boards of Asian American LEAD and North Capital Main Street. She is passionate about family, friends, dogs, biking, food, matrixes, and bad TV.
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