Deborah Santana is an author, philanthropist, activist for peace and social justice, and founder of Do A Little, a non-profit that serves women and girls in the areas of health, education and happiness. Her memoir, Space Between The Stars: My Journey to an Open Heart, was published in 2005. Ms. Santana has produced two documentary films with Emmy-award winning director Barbara Rick: Road to Ingwavuma and Girls of Daraja. Ms. Santana serves as board member at Artists for a New South Africa, mentors girls and young women, and is a supporter of Marian Wright Edelman’s Freedom Schools in New Orleans.
What are the emerging trends in this area, and how can existing family philanthropies network with and promote increased and effective giving among a new generation of diverse donors and families? How can diverse donors learn from multi-generational family foundations, and vice versa? And how does the engagement of diverse voices enhance the field of family philanthropy, and the work of locally and regionally-focused family foundations and funds?… Read More
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