David Gage is a leader in the field of business mediation and the founder of BMC Associates. Dr. Gage has 25 years experience as a clinical psychologist and over 20 years experience as a mediator. In his clinical practice, he specialized in couples, family, and group therapy. He has spoken to bar associations and business and professional organizations locally and nationally, has been interviewed on radio and TV, written for the Washington Business Journal, Executive Excellence, Family Business, and was featured in the New York Times, Fortune, Nation’s Business, and The Washington Post. Dr. Gage’s book on effective partnerships, The Partnership Charter: How To Start Out Right With Your New Business Partnership (Or Fix The One You’re In), was published in July of 2004.
The time has come to cast estate planning in a
fresh light. For too long,parents and their advisors have conducted estate planning behind closed doors. Each year, billions of dollars of family assets pass from benefactors to inheritors but the process continues to be one of the most sensitive—and secretive—activities within families… Read More
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