Bob Giloth is the vice president for The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Center for Community and Economic Opoortunity. He is both a denizen and student of urban communities. Giloth managed community development corporations in Baltimore and Chicago and served as deputy commissioner of economic development under Chicago Mayor Harold Washington before joining Casey in 1993. He holds a Ph.D. in city and regional planning from Cornell University and has always been intrigued by what makes communities thrive.
He came to the Casey Foundation to run its Jobs Initiative, an eight-year effort that connected inner-city young men and women in six cities to vocational services and living-wage jobs.
Giloth was also an architect of the Centers for Working Families, which have yielded impressive results in Atlanta and other cities in bundling workforce supports for families and helping parents get high-quality early care for their children. He also helped launch the National Fund for Workforce Solutions, a national partnership that supports local coalitions connecting low-wage workers to education, training and credentials so they can pursue family-supporting careers.
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