Ann Mulholland serves as vice president of grants and programs for Minnesota Philanthropy Partners. In this role, she works to ensure that MN Partners’ financial resources support nonprofit organizations and community groups that address the state’s most crucial needs. Prior to joining MN Partners in 2010, she served as Saint Paul’s deputy mayor for five years.  Additionally, Ann volunteers on a number of nonprofit boards, including the Saint Paul Public Schools Foundation, MinnCAN, The Nature Conservancy and the Minnesota Wild Foundation. She has a Bachelor of Arts from Indiana University in telecommunications and political science. When Ann is not working toward a better community, she is likely kayaking or relaxing at her cabin in Britt, Minnesota. She lives in the Selby-Dale neighborhood with her husband and four daughters.



How can family foundations and community foundations work most effectively together?

Posted on September 15, 2017 by Tim Ober, Shelley Hoss, Keith Swayne, Audrey Jacobs, Ann Mulholland

Are there good examples of family foundations working closely with the donor community, brought to the table via the community foundation, to strengthen philanthropic initiatives broadly? How can we partner with the community foundations in our state to know community goals and make more effective grants in those areas? … Read More