310 Results for “Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network”

Blog | Voices from the Field

The Impact of COVID-19 on Civil Society

August 14, 2020 | Sarina Dayal
This article was originally published by Candid and is re-posted here with permission. Over the last four months, organizations around the globe have surveyed foundations, nonprofits, civil society organizations, and individuals to learn how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting them. The findings from these surveys provide data to help the sector best respond to the crisis, strengthen solidarity, and inform Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

The Homestead Foundation Moves Boldly and Urgently

July 14, 2020 | Shannon Cofrin Gaggero
We are living through a moment of grand scale reckoning. COVID-19 has disproportionately and negatively impacted the health of Black and brown communities; financial and educational disparities are exposed along clear racial lines; state violence and violence by white vigilantes against Black people have inspired sustained uprisings all over the country. Certainly, our country stands before a crossroads and so Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

#TrustCreatesImpact—Now More Than Ever  

July 1, 2020 | Julia Oestreich
In the US, groups like the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project and The Whitman Institute have worked to shift the culture of philanthropy to focus on sharing power, working collaboratively, and building trust-based, equitable relationships. As the sector and the world have grappled with COVID-19 in recent months, it’s clear that the work these groups have elevated is becoming both increasingly critical Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

Collaboration in a Time of Crisis

June 24, 2020 | Mary O’Reilly
COVID-19 represents a war on two fronts—a public health crisis that has already killed over 400,000 people, and an economic one that has threatened the livelihoods of millions. Because the challenge is so massive, and the needs so great, collaborative philanthropy has been key to coordinating effective responses and allocating funds to reach the greatest number of people in need. Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

COVID-19: Using a Racial Justice Lens Now to Transform Our Future

April 9, 2020 | Lori Villarosa
“Black Families Matter,” Miki Jourdan Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by NPQ online, on March 30, 2020. Used with permission. For most of us, COVID-19 global pandemic’s breathtaking impact on the well-being and security of our family, friends, and neighbors and on our economy, healthcare, social services, and beyond has moved from abstractness to a harsh reality. We have Read More
Blog | From NCFP

NCFP Signs Joint Statement Promoting Greater Payout

April 2, 2020 | Nicholas A. Tedesco
Dear Community Members, It has been said many times and will continue to be said: this is a challenging time. Communities are in crisis, nonprofits are at risk, and markets are struggling. But, philanthropy was built for moments like these—ones that require a nimble response and compassionate heart. Accordingly, many donors are embracing this opportunity to mobilize resources to address Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

Learning to Give with the Next Gen Giving Circle

December 5, 2019 | Next Gen Giving Circle
“I found a career in philanthropy on Craigslist,” says Carlyn Madden, a co-founder of the Next Gen Giving Circle and now a consultant to funders and nonprofits. “Does it get more Millennial than that?” An avid volunteer, Carlyn was hired right out of college by The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation, the Washington, DC region’s largest private foundation. There she Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

A Healthy Democracy Needs Local and National Funding

July 26, 2019 | Joe Goldman
For many, this moment can feel overwhelming and even paralyzing. From climate crises to the opioid epidemic and growing social divides, it can seem impossible to prioritize our philanthropic efforts. As president of a national foundation focused on the health of the American political system, I receive calls daily from family philanthropists who have added the health of our democracy Read More