Knowledge Center | Sample

Conflict of interest policy (Self Foundation)

October 27, 2002 | Self Family Foundation
The South Carolina-based Self Foundation’s policy on dealing with potential conflicts of interest between board members and grantees. The Foundation encourages board members to play an active role in the community by serving as board members or other-wise being involved with a wide spectrum of nonprofit organizations.  Read More
Knowledge Center | Book Chapter

Andrew Carnegie: The Gospel of Wealth

October 22, 2002 | Andrew Carnegie
Long accustomed to the excesses of the robber barons of industry, the American public was startled in 1889 when one of the wealthiest men in the nation — and in the world — issued his great manifesto, “The Gospel of Wealth.” Powerfully influenced by his strict Scottish Presbyterian heritage, Andrew Carnegie urged rich people to give their money away, or at least most of it, and to base their philanthropy on their religious faith. Read More
Knowledge Center | Book Chapter

James Erskine Love, Jr.: A Protestant Family’s Expressions of Faith and Philanthropy

October 21, 2002 | Robert H. Hull
The faith, life, and civic contributions of the late James Erskine Love, Jr., and his family are true examples of how faith and philanthropy often intersect. Many facets of James Erskine Love’s life speak to the relationship of faith to action, of values to life, and of the consistency of one’s public and private self. This profile from Faith and Read More
Knowledge Center | Book Chapter

The Schustermans: A Jewish Family’s Expressions of Faith and Philanthropy

October 21, 2002 | Lynn Schusterman
This personal account from ‘Faith and Family Philanthropy’ describes the fascinating journey that the author and her husband took in discovering their own faith while rediscovering their family roots and Hebric religious traditions. ‘Jewish law dictates that if there is a choice between assisting members of your family and helping citizens of your town, your family takes precedence. The priority Read More
Knowledge Center | Book Chapter

Dr. Mohammed Murtaza Arain: A Muslim Family’s Expressions of Faith and Philanthropy

October 21, 2002 | Lester A. Picker
This case study from ‘Faith and Family Philanthropy’ describes the of Mohammed Murtaza Arain, M.D., a well-respected Chicago surgeon. For Dr. Arain and his family, it all begins and ends with the Qur’an. Whether welcoming the new day or making decisions about his personal philanthropy, the Holy Qur’an provides a roadmap that guides their life and actions. ***** Righteousness does Read More
Knowledge Center | Book Chapter

Jean and Betty Fairfax: An African-American Family’s Experiences in Faith and Philanthropy

October 21, 2002 | Lester A. Picker
This account from 'Faith and Family Philanthropy' describes the stories of sisters Betty and Jean Fairfax. Born and raised in modest circumstances in Cleveland, the Fairfaxes were steeped in strong family and religious values. Those values shaped their attitudes toward life, shattering the stereotypical notion of African-American philanthropy. Read More
Knowledge Center | Passages Issue Briefs

Difficult Discussions at Difficult Times

March 4, 2002 | Deanne Stone
This Passages Issue Brief offers suggestions for preparing for and responding to the effect of crises of different magnitude on philanthropic families. These include personal crises such as death, illness, and interpersonal conflicts, as well as community and national crises — including natural disasters, riots, economic recession, and terrorism. Read More