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Additional Reading: Enhancing Your Family’s Philanthropic Decisions

There are a variety of resources, both new and old, on the topic of enhancing diversity in the view and perspectives on family foundation boards. Here are a few of our favorites: A Place at the Table: Non-Family Membership on the Family Foundation Board by Joseph Foote and Dorna L. Allen, published by the National Center for Family Philanthropy, December 2011. Read More
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Discretionary Grants: Engaging Family… Or Pandora’s Box?

December 15, 2011 | Susan Crites Price
Editor’s note: This month’s feature story is an excerpt from the new edition of our Passages issue brief series: Discretionary Grants: Engaging Family… Or Pandora’s Box? If you asked at a gathering of family foundation folks whether using discretionary grants is a good idea, you’d never reach consensus. Many family foundations don’t use them. Those that do have widely varied Read More
Blog | From NCFP

Rowing the Philanthropic Boat Together: Reflections on Consensus and Civility

August 15, 2011 | Virginia M. Esposito
A foundation needs trustees who can work together productively, but it does not require that they be unanimous in their opinions or uniform in their outlook. …A foundation’s extraordinary potential for good springs from its board’s ability to act as a collective, to be cohesive in fulfilling its public trust. As Alfred North Whitehead remarked, “No member of a crew Read More
Blog | Ask NCFP

Attracting the Right Grantseekers… and Keeping Them from Drowning in Paperwork

How do we put together guidelines that attract the right grantseekers… and that are respectful of their time and resources? Many family foundations have written the National Center over the past 15 years asking for guidance on how to create grantmaking guidelines that attract the right grantseekers and that do not place undue burden on the applicants (or the foundation Read More
Blog | Ask NCFP

Keeping “Control”

Our foundation has begun discussions to add nonfamily trustees to enhance and complement the skills and perspectives currently on our all-family board. How do we ensure that the family will not lose “control” of the foundation over time? There are a variety of strategies that family foundations around the country have used to retain control while engaging non-family board members Read More
Blog | From NCFP

Renewing Your Commitment

May 15, 2011 | Virginia M. Esposito
The process of emerging from a long, gray winter is a cause for celebration. Extra sunlight and the reintroduction of the stunning colors of nature are also extraordinarily energizing. I suppose that is why some take to spring cleaning. Since I am rarely inspired to clean, I personally prefer to take the energy and the inspiration to renew the vibrancy Read More
Blog | Ask NCFP

Donor Legacy Statements, Values Statements, and Ethical Wills

I work for a small family foundation as their non-family executive director. The foundation has been in existence for 25 years. In the near term, I will be sitting down with the founder, who is preparing to write his legacy. I am wondering if you’re familiar with other founders who have shared excerpts concerning their vision for philanthropy that you thought to be Read More
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The Value of Family Philanthropy in a Democracy

The passionate generosity of countless American families has inspired – and continues to inspire – extraordinary gifts. Indeed, we may know many of these families more by their philanthropy than by the business successes that made their largesse possible. What is most remarkable is the very phenomenon of American family philanthropy itself. An astonishing number of families make record-setting, private contributions Read More
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Conflicts of Interest: Steering Clear of Potholes and Other Bumps in the Road

June 15, 2010 | Anne Etheridge
Most family foundations prefer to focus on the business of giving, without having to worry about tripping over the sometimes obscure rules and regulations that govern this work. But the fact is that family foundation boards need to be aware of potential potholes on the road named philanthropy. Driving blind down this road can get you into trouble. One potential Read More