Blog | Featured Article

Expanding Your Comfort Zone: 5 Windows Into Risk in Family Philanthropy (Passages excerpt)

May 5, 2016 | Tony Macklin
Philanthropy is often described as society’s “risk capital.” Our generosity can support causes and ideas that business and government agencies cannot or will not. We can use our resources to inspire new ideas, challenge existing thinking, or continue supporting an organization when others won’t. However, the idea of risk in philanthropy quickly muddies as we direct our generosity through a family foundation, donor-advised fund, or other collective effort. Our ideas about and tolerance for risk diverge, shaped by individual, family branch, professional, and other experiences. Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

Even with Complex Histories, Families Have an Opportunity to Advance Equity

May 3, 2016 | David Neal
Racial diversity and inclusion have been central to the grant making strategy at the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation for decades. In more recent years, the Foundation has deepened its engagement with racial equity. For David L. Neal, a family member and trustee at the Winston-Salem, N.C., family foundation, this focus on equity has been a high priority. Not long ago, however, as he was researching his family’s — and the foundation’s — history, he discovered that its legacy is more complicated than he had once thought. Read More
Knowledge Center | Ask the Center

How do we ensure that the family will not lose “control” of the foundation over time?

There are a variety of strategies that family foundations around the country have used to retain control while engaging non-family board members in their work. These strategies may be used alone or in combination, and may include the following: Strategy 1: Create term limits for current board members. A technique used by many family foundations, term limits can be a Read More
Events & Webinars | Conferences and Workshops

NCFP at the 2016 Advancement Network conference in New Orleans

NCFP and its Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network are hosting four sessions at the 2016 conference of the Advancement Network in New Orleans. Navigating Family Philanthropy Trends Monday 3:00-4:15 CDT Breakout Session You’ve developed a portfolio of donor-advised funds that will engage families in the future. But will those families’ expectations and goals be the same in 10 or 20 Read More