311 Results for “Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network”

Events & Webinars | Community Foundations Network

Community Foundation Spark Session: Community Foundation Business Models for Family Philanthropy (Round 4)

This is NCFP’s fourth annual deep dive into how community foundations structure their business models for more intensive services to multi-generation and multi-branch families. Two foundations will serve as case studies, describing how they defined their customer segments, developed their portfolio of programs and services, worked with their board to set goals and success measures, refined their financial model for expanded services, engage advisors, and more. Their presentations will be Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

Oregon Community Foundation: Partnership and Collaboration Delivers Big Impact to COVID Response and Recovery

May 16, 2020 | Jennifer Olson Curry
In mid-March, as the scope and gravity of the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, Oregon Community Foundation (OCF) moved nearly 100% of our staff to remote workplaces at the very moment our work increased in urgency and complexity. The pace of change and dramatic shift in service delivery is something none of us had ever experienced. I have been humbled by the Read More
Blog | Network News

May 2020: News and Notes from NCFP’s Friends of the Family Network

May 5, 2020
Friends Focus highlights updates from members of our Friends of the Family network and their work. This month features updates from the Bainum Family Foundation, Frey Foundation, Hill-Snowdon Foundation, Roy A. Hunt Foundation, McKnight Foundation, Phillips Family Foundation, Self Family Foundation, Sobrato Family Foundation, Surdna Foundation, Tarsadia Foundation, and Tracy Family Foundation. Are you a current Friend or Leadership Circle member Read More
Blog | Featured Article

Values, Kids, Philanthropy, and COVID-19

April 29, 2020 | Katie Scott
We’re eating more meals together than we ever have before. We are getting to know our neighbors better. We see our child or children more hours of the day, and many of us are fortunate enough to hear the sounds of toys and giggles filling our homes. Ok, while all of these facts are true (and my son is adorable Read More
Events & Webinars | Community Foundations Network

Community Foundations Network Topical Call: Supporting Families with a Small Shop

Community foundations have inspiring opportunities to work with giving families. However, meeting the needs of family donors when you have a small staff can be a challenge. How do small donor services teams and small shops balance their workload and adequately steward donor families? Join your colleagues who may have established family philanthropy services and those who are just getting Read More
Events & Webinars | Community Foundations Network

Community Foundation Spark Session: Community Foundations in the Evolving Landscape of Family Philanthropy Services

The demand for philanthropic advice is increasing, spurred in part by historic wealth creation, intergenerational transfer of wealth and aspirations for purpose-driven lives and businesses. Moreover, we are witnessing a rising numbers of donors and their families leveraging diverse philanthropic vehicles and tools. Community foundations are well-positioned to provide best in class advice and accordingly, are eager to explore how Read More
Events & Webinars | Peer Networks

Non-family Staff Peer Network Event: What Questions Keep You up at Night?

January 29, 2020 | Denise Porche, Kim Wright, Steve Toben
During the NCFP 2019 National Forum on Family Philanthropy, the Non-family Staff Peer Network had great success meeting about what keeps you up at night—the most pressing challenges and questions in your role. Join the group again to continue this conversation and share your biggest current challenges. Connect with your peers to find community, solutions, and resources. NCFP’s Non-family Staff Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

Trust-based Philanthropy: The Durfee Foundation

December 9, 2019 | The Whitman Institute
Editor’s note: This is part of an ongoing series by the Whitman Institute (TWI), featuring foundations that practice trust-based philanthropy, that acknowledge the power dynamics and realities facing nonprofits, and that invite more authentic relationships and communication with grantees. This piece originally appeared on the Whitman Institute’s website and appears with permission. Since its inception in 1960, the Durfee Foundation in Los Angeles Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

The Perrin Family Foundation: A Funder Journey Story

The Perrin Family Foundation is a family foundation based in Connecticut, with a focus on supporting youth-led social change focused on addressing the root causes of injustice and inequity statewide Sheila and Charlie Perrin founded PFF in 1994 to create a permanent vehicle for their family philanthropy and allow their extended family to be part of their vision for providing Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

Name, Claim, and Share Power: Perrin Family Foundation (Passages Issue Brief Excerpt)

October 23, 2019 | Elaine Gast Fawcett
As a family funder, how can you acknowledge and responsibly navigate the power of your position? How does the power and privilege you hold affect those you interact with and support? How can you use your power for good—to make lasting impact? This Passages Issue Brief features stories, perspectives, and practical tips on power, and suggestions for how family funders Read More