About the Fellows Program

The National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCFP) developed the Fellows Program to accelerate the learning and development of family philanthropy leaders, and to add voices to the NCFP community who can both define and elevate effective practices in the sector.  With the work of its Fellows, through their individual and collective projects, NCFP is better able to support the full spectrum of family philanthropists to reach their full potential. In addition, the Distinguished Fellow—someone who is a significant contributor to family philanthropy with a longstanding and inspirational history of leadership—will also advocate for effective family philanthropy and use their voice, talents, and knowledge to advance the field.

2018-2021 Fellows Mary Mountcastle, June Wilson, and Kelly Nowlin speaking at the 2019 National Forum on Family Philanthropy

2018-2021 Fellows Mary Mountcastle, June Wilson, and Kelly Nowlin speaking at the 2019 National Forum on Family Philanthropy

Goals of the Fellows Program

  1. Advance the Field: Empower diverse sector leaders to reflect on the purpose and possibilities of family philanthropy, deepen their expertise, and advance the field.
  2. Promote Learning: Foster the learning, development, and community of sector leaders to effectively strengthen the practice of family philanthropy.
  3. Recognize Leaders: Acknowledge respected, bold practitioners in family philanthropy to elevate effective practices and encourage an open exchange of ideas and information.

2025 Fellows Cohort

NCFP is currently reviewing applications for the next class of fellows. Applications were due November 1, 2024 and are no longer being accepted.

The 2023-2024 Fellows Projects

NCFP’s Fellows explored various issues and questions related to effective family philanthropy including:

Learn more about the projects

Current Fellows

Ginny Esposito

Virginia M. Esposito

Senior Fellow and Founding President

David Weitnauer

President, R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation | NCFP Distinguished Fellow (2022-2024)

Dimple Abichandani

Board Member, Solidaire Network | NCFP Fellow (2023–2024)

Photo of Erin Borla

Erin Borla

Executive Director & Trustee, Roundhouse Foundation | NCFP Fellow (2023–2024)

CC Gardner Gleser

C’Ardiss “CC” Gardner Gleser

Board Member, Andrus Family Fund and Charlotte Martin Foundation | NCFP Fellow (2023–2024)

Dilnaz Waraich

President, WF Fund | NCFP Fellow (2023–2024)

Past Fellows

Alice Buhl

Alice Buhl

Senior Fellow (2004-2019)

Katherine Lorenz

President, The Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation; NCFP Fellow (2015-2018)

Mary Mountcastle

Mary Mountcastle

Trustee, Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation | NCFP Distinguished Fellow (2018–2021)

Kelly Nowlin

Kelly D. Nowlin

Principal, KDN Philanthropy Consulting | NCFP Fellow (2018–2021)

Susan Packard Orr

Distinguished Fellow (2014–2018)

Doug Bitonti Stewart

Doug Bitonti Stewart

Executive Director, Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation, NCFP Fellow (2015–2018)

June Wilson headshot

June L. Wilson

Executive Director, Compton Foundation | NCFP Fellow (2018–2021)