The First Year: The Complete Guide for the New Family Foundation CEO
It is sometimes said that serving in the role of family foundation chief executive is an art, not a science. Family foundation CEOs have many roles to play and many constituencies to serve. But what distinguishes this job from those at other grantmaking organizations is the relationship between the CEO and the donor family.

It’s a partnership that encompasses representing a family in a community, working within a family’s culture, and engaging in grantmaking in the context of a family legacy. The base on which an effective foundation is built is the trust between the staff and the family. Building that trust is your most important task.
A companion to the NCFP guide on hiring a CEO, this is the first how-to guide for new family foundation chief executives and the board members who hire them. Hiring a CEO is only the first step. A solid transition plan will maximize the CEO’s prospects for success. This guide covers the board and board chair’s role in orienting the new CEO; tips for CEOs to develop strong board/staff relations; setting boundaries and coping with family dynamics; and much more!
Whether you are a new CEO yourself, or are a board member or advisor to a family foundation thinking about hiring a new CEO, The First Year is right for you!