Writing a Request for Qualifications

Realizing the full value of consulting services requires a careful approach to selecting, contracting, and partnering with consultants. One of the most critical steps in the process is finding a good “fit” – an individual or firm that is capable of completing the work effectively, and whose values and approach are well aligned with those of your team.
There are many ways to identify potential consultants. It is not always necessary to require written applications from consultants. However, in situations where written applications would be useful, issuing an RFQ (Request for Qualifications) is a good practice that can help you narrow the field. This guide to writing an RFQ can help you get started.
This tool is part of the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation’s “Working with Consultants” series. The series features a guide for helping organizations take steps to find, hire, and partner with a consultant. It includes Foundation-generated essays on working with consultants who specialize in strategic planning, communications, evaluation, and fundraising, as well as a resource developed by Equity in the Center on partnering with equity consultants.