Program Plan 2019 NCFP- Community Foundations

2019 Programs 

  Q1  Q2  Q3  Q4 
Theme  Building Blocks for Success  Family Culture & Values  Solidifying Service Frameworks  Going from Good to Great 


From 2-3pm 

Feb 28: CF Family Philanthropy Services: Building Blocks for Success – assessing capacity, creating early wins, measuring progress, setting stage for growth; using Playbook tools 

(open to whole CF field to allow new CFs to see our services) 

July 11: Money Values and Family Culture – How to help families discern and share money values, culture of wealth, expectations of legacy & generosity, impact of inherited wealth  

(with guest expert – open to NCFP family foundations) 

Sept. 26: CF Family Philanthropy Service Business Models – 2 case studies of how structured services/ products, pricing, staffing, success measures, etc. 

(only for CF network) 


Oct. 31: Successful Generational Transitions – 2 CFs’ roles in helping founders turn the reigns over to successor generations; how the CFs had to evolve & sharpen their own support; ideally a donor family participating 

(only for CF network) 


Topical Calls 


On the 2nd Tues of the month at 


January: Supporting differing family learning styles 


February: Marketing your “value add” to families and advisors 


March: Intro new NCFP website, impact on CF content/services 

April: No Call 


Working with diverse donors, multi-cultural families (external experts help facilitate a call) 


TBD open for requests from CF field 



Virtual facilitation 


Engaging children 


TBD open for requests from CF field 


Staff development pathways 


What didn’t work – sharing lessons 





Blog/ Story by Member  TBD  TBD  TBD  TBD 
Quick Survey  Collect job descriptions and performance review info  Donor segmentsdonor profiles/styles/goals  Update collection of fee/pricing and cost analyses  Successor generation programming options 
In-Person (not part of theme)    April 7-10 AdNet Conference*, New Orleans     Oct. 15-16: Free or low cost convening of peers Chicago* 

Oct. 16-18 NCFP Forum * 

* additional costs beyond annual NCFP subscription – see page 3 



Ongoing Community Foundation Products & Services 

Family Philanthropy Readiness Self-Assessment – Launched in 2017, this online 30-question survey helps community foundations assess their current level of readiness to undertake or expand services to multi-branch and/or multi-generational families. It looks at mission and core business compatibility, understanding the market, services capacity, and alignment around business model and success measures. Available for free to whole CF field at  


Family Philanthropy Playbook – A one-stop, online resource for community foundations to help community philanthropy organizations plan, develop, implement, and evaluate services for philanthropic families. Based on the Business Model Canvas, its 9 modules include information collected from members and other experts, guidance from NCFP, webinar and topical call recordingscase studies, and more. Beta version at until new NCFP website launches over 2018/19 winter. 


Monthly CF Network e-news – News of upcoming programs and new content, ideas and tips from subscribers, requests for information and speakers, etc. 


Co-Branding Badges – Showing your connection to this national network and NCFP resources. 


NCFP Staff as on-call connectors and help desk 


Access to General NCFP Services 


Plus CF subscribers and their donors can access: 

  • 12 monthly webinars on family philanthropy topics 
  • Knowledge Center resources 
  • NCFP staff and fellows 
  • Family Giving News monthly e-newsletter 


Opportunities with Additional Costs 


Engaging Generation Impact 

April 2-3, Houston 

Greater Houston Community Foundation and 21/64 are offering a new course on working with Gen X and Millennials. GHCF encourages attendance (capped at 25 people) by its NCFP peers. More info at 

Cost per person:  $2,500 + travel  


Meeting at AdNet Conference 

April 7-10, New Orleans 

NCFP will host a peer-learning gathering of subscribing community foundations before, during, or after the conference (TBD)More info about the conference at  

Likely cost per person:  Just travel if you’re not already attending AdNet. 


Managing Family Dynamics and Talking About Money 

June 4-5, Portland, OR 

Oregon Community Foundation is hosting these two one-day courses by 21/64 and encourages attendance (capped at 25 people) by its NCFP peers. More info at  

Cost per person:  $1,250 per day + travel  


NCFP Community Foundation Network Peer Meeting 

Oct. 15-16, Chicago Community Trust 

NCFP’s annual in-person gathering for Network members (details TBD). 

Likely cost per person:  Free or very low cost plus travelHotel $259/night plus taxes. 


2019 National Forum on Family Philanthropy 

Oct. 16-18, Chicago Marriott Downtown 

NCFP’s biennial conference for philanthropic families and their staff and advisors. More info at 

Likely cost per person:  $1400 early bird registration plus travel (same price for your donor families). Hotel $259/night plus taxes.  


Family Philanthropy Services Consult (on-call) 

Subscribing community foundations could request a half-day or full-day on-site consultation to expand or refine their suite of services for families and/or specific products and services. The work would build on the report generated from their Self-Assessment or on tools in the Family Philanthropy Playbook. The consult would include NCFP consultant Tony Macklin plus a peer CF of their choice.  

Cost:  Discounted day rate for NCFP CF subscribers + travel for consultant, honorarium + travel for peer