Giving Fingerprints (Franks, 2018)

You are as unique as the pattern of whorls and lines of your fingerprint. So is your giving style. Make your mark on the causes closest to your heart and maximize the impact of your gifts by discovering your distinctive, personal giving brand.
I wrote this short book to give you a view of your giving habits. What does your unique giving pattern say about you? Do you realize you have a giving brand? Built intentionally, thoughtfully, with haphazard check writing, or with texting abandon, you have a giving brand, a one of a kind giving pattern – just like your fingerprints.
- Discover your Giving Fingerprints by completing the worksheet found in this e-book based on value words with giving-based definitions.
- Learn to use your Giving Fingerprints to understand your style and make targeted gifts that are closest to your heart.
- Learn to enhance or change your giving brand. Give and learn your way into a whole new giving brand — one you’ll be proud to wear.
Let’s get started on your giving journey.