The Right Way to Handle Conflicts of Interest

National Center research shows that only about half of family foundations have a conflict of interest policy. Yet conflicts often arise if, for example, a board or staff member volunteers for or serves on the board of a nonprofit that seeks funds from the foundation. Two of our speakers, Diana Gurieva, Executive Vice President and CEO of the Dyson Foundation, and Mary Mountcastle, a trustee of both the Mary Reynolds Babcock and Z. Smith Reynolds Foundations, will share how their foundations have dealt with conflicts of interest. They were joined by Kelly Simone, Senior Staff Attorney at the Council on Foundations.

Featured Speakers

Diana Gurivera

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Kelly Shipp Simone

Kelly Shipp Simone is the senior staff attorney at the Council on Foundations where she provides…

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Mary Mountcastle

Mary Mountcastle

Mary Mountcastle is a trustee of the Z. Smith Reynolds and Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundations, a board…

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I find that NCFP always presents an informative teleconference. We have participated in several and they have provided interesting content.

Margie E. Marney, Potts Family Foundation

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