The length of the spend down journey varies from foundation to foundation. The nature of decisions also varies depending on the length of time remaining in the foundation’s lifespan. What is top of mind at the different times of the spend down journey? What can a spend down foundation with more than 10 years remaining learn from a foundation with less than five years to their spend down date? What would foundations who have already spent down have done differently if they could do it over again? Join us for a conversation with representatives from limited lifespan foundations who are at different points in their foundation’s spend down timeline to learn from their experiences and share your own.
And for those who would like to participate, we will have an additional 15 minutes of networking time at the end of the program.
If you are unable to attend this event, but are interested in being a part of the Strategic Lifespan Peer Network, sign up here. For this interactive meeting, we encourage attendees to join with webcams on. To help foster candid discussions, peer network events are not recorded.
Featured Speakers

Priscilla Enriquez
Priscilla Enriquez is the Chief Executive Officer of The James B. McClatchy Foundation. She provides leadership…
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Glen Galaich
Glen Galaich joined the Stupski Foundation as CEO in 2015. Glen leads the overall strategy of…
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Anne Marie Toccket
Anne Marie Toccket has worked across the globe with social enterprises, nonprofit organizations, and individuals to…
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Rhonnel Sotelo
Rhonnel Sotelo is the Chief Executive Officer of the Rogers Family Foundation, a private foundation in…
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