Strategic Lifespan Peer Network: Formulating Grantmaking Strategies with a Spend Down Mindset

Once the decision has been made to spend down, foundation leaders must determine how their grantmaking efforts will need to change. How do you curate your programs and support and engage grantees during this spend down process? How does your impact or portfolio shift?

Join Misty Avila, chief impact officer at the James B. McClatchy Foundation, and Gwyneth Tripp, director of grantmaking practice at the Stupski Foundation, for a conversation about how to develop an impact strategy for your grantmaking and programming efforts during the spend down process, successfully navigate shifts in your approach, and ensure a continued positive impact on your community.

As a reminder, our Peer Network events are not recorded. Come ready to have an engaging conversation with your peers—we want to hear your stories, tips, and resources! Join with your webcam if possible or call in for audio only.

Featured Speakers

Misty Avila headshot

Misty Avila

Misty Avila is the Chief Impact Officer for the James B. McClatchy Foundation leading a unified…

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Gwyneth Tripp headshot

Gwyneth Tripp

Gwyneth Tripp is the director of grantmaking practice at the Stupski Foundation and leads the continual…

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