Non-Family Staff Peer Network: Deploying Effective Strategies and Tools During Times of Crisis

As organizations face operational challenges due to rapidly changing policy and executive orders, funders are adapting their grantmaking practices to provide meaningful support in an efficient and in a timely manner. Hear from Ambar Hanson, executive director of the Mortenson Family Foundation, about the approaches the foundation is using to respond to their grantees. Specifically, Ambar will highlight how the Mortenson Family Foundation is supporting their partner Alight, an NGO that supports immigrants and refugees domestically and around the world. There will be time for breakout networking discussions.

If you are not yet a member of the Non-Family Staff Peer Network, you may join and be notified when registration for this event opens here.

For this interactive meeting, we encourage attendees to join with webcams on. To help foster candid discussions, peer network events are not recorded.

Featured Speakers

Ambar Cristina Hanson

Ambar Cristina Hanson, MPA, is the Executive Director at Mortenson Family Foundation. She recently transitioned into…

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