The Bold Solutions Network connects funders with high-impact proposals which are vetted through open calls by Lever for Change (LFC).
Join us to hear from Karen Minkel and Emma Pool of Lever for Change on how community foundations can use the Bold Solutions Network to identify funding opportunities in their service areas. They will discuss the 2023 Yield Giving Open Call—a funding call for community-led, community-focused nonprofit organizations making positive change in their communities—which led to 361 organizations receiving a total of $640 million. They will cover their due diligence process and how applicants from their open calls—even those who are not finalists—become part of the Bold Solutions Network.
Bring your questions and connect with peers in a dedicated Q&A and networking session.
About Lever for Change:
Lever for Change is a nonprofit donor advisor that connects funders with bold solutions to the world’s biggest problems—including issues like maternal mortality, lack of access to economic opportunity, and climate change. Using an inclusive model and due diligence process, Lever for Change creates customized open calls, such as our Yield Giving Open Call, and other tailored funding opportunities. Top-ranked teams and finalists become members of the Bold Solutions Network—a growing global network that helps secure additional funding for as many applicants as possible, amplify members’ impact, and accelerate social change. Founded in 2019 as a nonprofit affiliate of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Lever for Change has influenced over $2.2 billion in grants to date and provided support to more than 500 organizations.
This event and related materials are available only to staff of NCFP’s Community Foundation subscribers. If your organization is not yet a member of the Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network, you can learn more and join here.