The guide
During this session Cara Binder-Kopchick, along with Theo Avery, Jenna Mulhall-Brereton, and Kelly Nowlin discussed guide’s critical points and shared their own experiences with navigating next-generation transitions.
The guide has now been published and is available to read here.
🔑 Key Moments from the Webinar
2:00 Context from NCFP on how our network is grappling with multigenerational engagement and transitions
4:14 Jenna Mulhall-Brereton introduces National Philanthropic Trust and provides a scan of the family philanthropy landscape; what to listen for during the panel discussion
13:50 An overview of the newly released guide and its three phases
18:05 Introduction to Kelly Nowlin and her experience with the Surdna Foundation
20:28 Introduction to Theo Avery and his experience with the Durfee Foundation
22:24 Phase 1: insights into ‘Laying the Groundwork’
29:36 Phase 2: insights into ‘Effective Onboarding’
39:45 Phase 3: insights into ‘Continuing to Grow and Evolve Together’ and sustaining a learning mindset
49:14 How advisors can use the guide as they engage with donor families
51:59 How to balance different viewpoints and priorities within families
Webinar description
One of the most important moments in the life of a family’s philanthropy is when those who are currently managing the efforts formally welcome members of the next generation—or generations—into the work.
At any stage this process requires careful planning, but formally doing so when they are adults can be particularly complex. It can come with myriad challenges, but also great benefits.
Join our expert panel to explore the findings of NCFP’s new publication A Guide to Meaningfully Engaging Next-Generation Adults in Your Philanthropy, which addresses these challenges and provides a roadmap for successful onboarding of next-generation adults. The panelists will be sharing their own insights and experiences of participating in and facilitating similar onboarding experiences.
About the Series
Community Conversations are topical webinars on issues and trends in family philanthropy and are available to the field at large. These events lift up experts in the field, challenge philanthropists in their thinking and practices, and share timely stories and strategies in the family philanthropy community.
Featured Speakers

Theo Avery
Theo Avery is Vice President of the Durfee Foundation, a Los-Angeles-based family foundation named in honor…
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Cara Binder-Kopchick
Cara Binder-Kopchick is a philanthropy advisor with a passion for facilitating meaningful conversations, nurturing trusting relationships…
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Jenna Mulhall-Brereton
Jenna Mulhall-Brereton is NPT’s Chief Philanthropy Officer. She leads the teams providing Premier Donor services, Philanthropic…
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Kelly D. Nowlin
Kelly Davenport Nowlin is a fifth generation Andrus family member who has been actively engaged in…
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Nicholas A. Tedesco
Nicholas (Nick) Tedesco is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Center for Family…
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