Application Deadline: Racial Justice Learning and Action Network

The Racial Justice Learning and Action Network is an educational opportunity for family foundation trustees interested in advancing racial justice practices, both personally and professionally. Philanthropy has been slow to embrace equity and it is clear that effective and meaningful impact can only be realized with an active commitment to racial justice.

The National Center for Family Philanthropy is committed both to expanding equity practices within the organization and to helping giving families adopt a racial justice lens in their grantmaking and governance practices. The Racial Justice Learning and Action Network was designed as a space where family foundation board members can build their own knowledge of systemic racism to improve their practices, and ultimately be better stewards of the public trust.

The Learning and Action Network will equip participants with opportunities for reflection and tools for best practices through modular learning and one-on-one support. It is based on a new curriculum specially tailored to family foundation trustees, designed by Bari Katz and Edgar Villanueva and informed by NCFP Fellows Ginny Esposito, Mary Mountcastle, Kelly Nowlin, and June Wilson.

For more information about eligibility and expectations, please visit

Applications are due by March 31, 2021. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance by April 9, 2021.

Apply Here

Additional questions? Contact NCFP