Foundation Archives

About this collection: This Content Collection features reports and articles of interest to foundations considering whether to establish archives to preserve their records, knowledge, and histories.

Curated By: Matthew La Rocque

Many Foundations at some point confront the question of what to leave behind and may choose to establish an archive. Some perpetual foundations have created archives that are continually updated, and the decision to archive has long been a consideration for foundations choosing limited life.

In this collection of reports and articles, professionals from across the field of philanthropy discuss the purpose of foundation archives, their various contents and uses, archival trends in the philanthropic sector, and approaches to the archival process.

Foundation Archives: Perspectives and Practices

The Archives of U.S. Foundations: An Endangered Species

Using data collected on the 300 largest U.S. foundations through a survey commissioned by The Commonwealth Fund in fall 2012, this report discusses the status of archiving in the foundation sector and recommends ways to improve policies and practices in an area that is often overlooked.