Capacity Building and General Operating Support

About this collection: What is your role as a funder in building the organizational capacity of your grantees? And how can you best ensure that the support you offer is effective? This Content Collection provides tips, tools, perspectives and case studies from family foundations and other funders that have embraced capacity building as a key strategy.

What is your role as a funder in building the organizational capacity of your grantees? And how can you best ensure that the support you offer is effective? This Content Collection provides tips, tools, perspectives and case studies from family foundations and other funders that have embraced capacity building as a key strategy.

Featured Reads: Start Here!

Foundations Respond to Crisis: A Must-Read Research Series from CEP

Blog Post
This article was originally published by The Center for Effective Philanthropy and is re-posted here with permission. In early spring, as the COVID-19 pandemic worsened, foundations in the U.S. began to shift resources and practices. Some funders, nonprofits, and others in the field called for fundamental changes in how funders…

Reimagining Capacity Building: Navigating Culture, Systems & Power

Strengthening nonprofit organizations is not just a nice-to-have but an essential part of our work as grantmakers to ensure that nonprofits have the resources they need to address today’s most pressing social concerns. Indeed, the vast majority of staffed foundations — 86 percent — do just that, invest in organizational…

Why We Must Stand Up for Overhead

It is critical that donors invest in the long-term health and sustainability of the institutions we are asking to tackle the world’s most entrenched social problems. Starving organizations of strong strategic plans or essential technology—often viewed as overhead and therefore superfluous—actually prevents their ability to use the limited resources they…

Can General Operating Support Become the New Normal?

If every funder only pays for a specific program or a specific line item, an organization becomes fragmented and unstable. Without general operating support, an organization doesn’t have the money for staffing, rent, technology, training, or even the phone bill. And, without a strong infrastructure, programs that improve our communities…

Resiliency Guide

This Guide is designed to help deepen thinking about where, when, and how to invest in capacity building, while also helping funders to explore the dimensions of resiliency and help their grantee organizations prepare for eventual independence from grant funding.

Foundation Profiles

Sample Policies and Practices

Endowment-related grants policy (Eckerd Family Foundation)

When there is a deep connection between the work of a nonprofit and the mission of a foundation, an endowment-related grant is sometimes made. This sample policy from the Eckerd Family Foundation covers the criteria for considering an endowment-related grant and examines the amount and evaluation of the grant.

Articles and Reports

What is Overhead, Anyway?

Overhead is one of the first concepts any philanthropist learns. It includes all of those administrative and fundraising costs that we secretly wish our nonprofit colleagues didn’t have to worry about. But what exactly is overhead, anyway?

The Power of Investing in Volunteer Engagement

As funders, we pay great attention to how potential grantees steward their financial resources, but do we pay equal attention to how they lead and manage their human resources? Volunteers are a vastly underutilized, yet virtually unlimited renewable resource. The need is urgent, the timing is critical, and the support…