Voices from the Field

Giving to Nepal Earthquake Response? Take Three Long Breaths

Posted on May 27, 2015 by Karen Keating Ansara

With today’s news of the horrific Nepal earthquake I am driven to take immediate action — to make an on-line donation or wire money to friends of friends in the dust-choked streets of Kathmandu and green pinnacles of rural Nepal. I am consumed with the grief of my many Nepali friends who are like family to me. But my experience of the Haiti earthquake response via the Haiti Fund at the Boston Foundation has taught me one paramount lesson: TAKE A BREATH. Unless I am physically on the scene, I imagine my Nepali friends with their contemplative souls would agree. Take a breath and assess… Read More
Voices from the Field

Ready: Invest! Set: Customize! Go: Impact!

Posted on May 27, 2015 by Adam Simon

What would it take to create a core of exceptional leaders equipped with the tools and capacity to be effective change agents, networked to maximize the reverberation of their leadership and committed to doing so for their entire lives? At the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, this question is at the core of our mission to empower young people to make a positive impact in their communities. In all of our focus areas, we create and support initiatives that invest in strengthening the leadership potential of individuals, as we believe the key to solving our most intractable societal issues lies in the strength of the leaders that spearhead such changes. … Read More
Voices from the Field

Fearless Philanthropy: Engaging in Conversations with Your Grantees

Posted on April 22, 2015 by Allison Fine

Social media takes down the barriers between people and institutions. Anyone can be online, anywhere, and in conversation in real-time about causes and issues. Rather than hide from these conversations, family philanthropies, not necessarily as institutions, but as individuals, can engage with grantees, and potential grantees, on, say, Twitter, and learn more about the work in real-time… Read More
Voices from the Field

Family-Ness: a Clunky Word That Says it All

Posted on March 25, 2015 by Phillip Henderson

At our most recent board meeting, we continued our examination of potential changes to the way we invest our endowment, we discussed some important modifications to the role of the board in our grantmaking process, and we breathed new life into a conversation between Surdna and the Andrus Family Fund, a grantmaking fund we created just over 15 years ago. … Read More
Voices from the Field

I Am Family Philanthropy: Carmen Castellano and Carmela Castellano-Garcia

Posted on February 25, 2015 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

Every day we see committed and generous families making positive impacts on the communities they serve. We want to share their stories and are delighted to announce our new I Am Family Philanthropy video series. In this month's video, we are delighted to share the dynamic mother-and-daughter tandem of Carmen Castellano and Carmela Castellano-Garcia of the Castellano Family Foundation. … Read More