What Tips Do You Have for Making the Most Out of Attending a Conference for Philanthropy?

Posted on April 29, 2014 by Christine Reeves

There is no “right” or “wrong” way to attend a conference; however, going to a conference is a privilege. I am a strong proponent of philanthropic conferences, and for that reason, I encourage my philanthropic peers to treat conferences experiences as the valuable privileges they are.  So, let’s make sure we get the most out of them!… Read More

How Do You Choose Grants Management Software?

Posted on March 24, 2014 by Laura Quinn

Grantmaking programs are complicated to manage. Even the relatively small programs can involve tracking dozens of applications, reviewers, requirements, and payments. But grants management software applications can help by saving grantmakers time, making their processes more effective and transparent, and even transforming the way they do business. Grantmakers’ choices are growing each year…So how can foundations choose the right grants management system from this growing selection? … Read More

How Can My Family Foundation Use Data Visualization to Better Tell Our Story?

Posted on February 15, 2014 by Ann K. Emery

Memos and metrics, emails and texts, newsletters and reports: Is your organization suffering from information overload? We consume 34 gigabytes, or 100,500 words, of information every day. Our brains are overwhelmed and struggling to keep up. Data visualization–or dataviz–is one of the strongest weapons against information overload. Colorful diagrams, well-designed charts, and engaging infographics are easy to digest and fun… Read More

What is the Biggest Threat to Nonprofit Missions That No One is Talking About?

Posted on November 15, 2013

This question is quite timely, given increasing community needs. The Nonprofit Finance Fund’s nationwide research found that in 2012, for the first time in the history of that organization’s surveys, a majority of nonprofits reported that they could not meet the increased demands for their services. And that was before the first round of sequestration cuts and the recent federal… Read More

Are Family Foundation Board Internships an Effective Tool for Training the Next Generation?

Posted on July 15, 2013 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

Are board internships an effective tool for training the next generation? What are some examples of other family foundations that have used them, and what have their experiences been? The National Center for Family Philanthropy and Youth Philanthropy Connect, a program of the Frieda C. Fox Family Foundation, have teamed up on the release of our latest Passages Issue Brief… Read More

Disaster Philanthropy: What is the role of family giving in preparedness, response and recovery?

Posted on June 15, 2013 by Center for Disaster Philanthropy, Regine A. Webster, Lori Bertman

We’re pleased to present a very special edition of Ask the Center, featuring answers to questions on disaster philanthropy from two of the presenters from our June 13th webinar on the topic of “Disaster Philanthropy: The Role of Family Giving in Preparedness, Response and Recovery.” Lori J. Bertman is president and CEO of the Baton Rouge-based Irene W. and C.B… Read More