Should We Have Ex Officio Members on Our Board Committees?

Posted on February 7, 2016

Our current bylaws state, "The President shall be an ex-officio voting member of all committees." Is this typical or unusual? Is it best practice for a Board Chair and/or President to be an ex officio member of all of a foundation's committees? If so, is this person typically a voting or non-voting member?… Read More

Can You Suggest Books for Sharing the Joy and Potential of Giving with Younger Family Members?

Posted on December 21, 2015 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

As NCFP prepares to close for a few days of end-of-the-year celebration and giving of thanks with Friends and Family, we're pleased to share a collection of some of our favorite books for sharing the joy and potential of giving with younger family member, including the new "Hip Family's Guide for Happier Holidays" by NCFP Board member Lisa Parker, president of the Lawrence Welk Family Foundation. … Read More

How can we prepare for the death of our founder or donor?

Posted on December 2, 2015 by Suzanne Hammer

In this month's edition of "Ask the Center," we are pleased to share a guest post from Suzanne Hammer, founder of Hammer and Associates, discussing the recent passing of her father: "In the midst of a loved one dying, there are many decisions to be made. There’s paperwork and Power of Attorneys and property. There’s money. There’s final wishes and figuring out what do with all the “stuff.” In my experience, the stress of it all sometimes divided us more than it brought us together. We all wanted the best for our dad, and we each had strong opinions on what “the best” meant to us." … Read More

What are some points we should consider as a family foundation seeking a non-family board member?

Posted on October 28, 2015 by Susan Packard Orr

In this month's Ask the Center, we feature an excerpt from the newest Passages Issue Brief, "A steadying hand: The critical role of non-family board members," written by NCFP Distinguished Fellow Susan Packard Orr. This special PASSAGES provides insight on the various skills, expertise, and perspectives that a non-family board member can provide, as well as the common challenges for families seeking their first non-family board member, and tips for setting clear expectations for this role… Read More

What Has Been the Impact of Your Fellowship Programs to the Communities You Fund? and Have You Been Able to Measure That Impact?

Posted on July 23, 2015 by Adam Simon, Monisha Kapila, Susan Dobkins

This month we are delighted to feature a question recently asked during our July webinar, Fellowship programs: Honoring family legacy and building future community leaders. This webinar highlighted the benefits and impact fellowship programs have on not only community members, but also the family foundation. Fellowship programs can be a complementary program to your grantmaking that honors the legacy of a loved one and encourages further collaboration efforst with community leaders. The featured presenters are Adam Simon from the Schusterman Foundation, Susan Dobkins and Dion Rurik from The Russell Family Foundation, and Monisha Kapila from ProInspire… Read More