What Tips Do You Have for Making the Most Out of Attending a Conference for Philanthropy?

Posted on April 29, 2014 by Christine Reeves

There is no “right” or “wrong” way to attend a conference; however, going to a conference is a privilege. I am a strong proponent of philanthropic conferences, and for that reason, I encourage my philanthropic peers to treat conferences experiences as the valuable privileges they are.  So, let’s make sure we get the most out of them!… Read More
Featured Article

Leading Through Change: Advice from and for Seasoned CEOs

Posted on March 25, 2014 by Susan Crites Price

The longer CEOs stay in the job, the more they see strategic opportunities for the foundation. There may be strong reasons for funding some new areas with greater potential impact, entering into collaborations, or including advocacy grants in the mix, for example. But sometimes the challenge is convincing the board. “You have to stay attuned to bringing the family along,” cautions Alice Buhl, NCFP Senior Fellow. You may want to go faster, but the family isn’t ready to go there yet. Longtime CEOs must be flexible and alert to the family’s needs.” she notes that “boards haven’t had the connection or exposure the CEO has had,” so sometimes it takes a while to help them reach a new strategic level… Read More

How Do You Choose Grants Management Software?

Posted on March 24, 2014 by Laura Quinn

Grantmaking programs are complicated to manage. Even the relatively small programs can involve tracking dozens of applications, reviewers, requirements, and payments. But grants management software applications can help by saving grantmakers time, making their processes more effective and transparent, and even transforming the way they do business. Grantmakers’ choices are growing each year…So how can foundations choose the right grants management system from this growing selection? … Read More
Voices from the Field

Diversity as a Family Affair

Posted on March 23, 2014 by Cole Wilbur

What value can diversity bring to the work of family foundations? First of all, diversity is now more interwoven into the fabric of our society, including our neighborhoods, education, business and media. Integrating diversity into many aspects of a family foundation’s work can result in more compelling grantmaking, particularly in responding effectively to demographic changes that nonprofit organizations face every… Read More
Featured Article

Stone Soup: Community Based Advocacy at the William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund

Posted on February 26, 2014

A Conversation with Nancy Leonard, David Nee, and Carmen Siberon of the William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund on Community Based Advocacy Children and storytelling have always been at the heart of the William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund. It is only fitting that one of their most successful programs, “Stone Soup,” is rooted in a classic children’s story. Family Giving News recently interviewed… Read More

Four Critical Elements for Generational Succession

Posted on February 26, 2014 by Virginia M. Esposito

Dear FGN Readers: The National Center for Family Philanthropy fields hundreds of questions about family giving over the phone, through email, and in person every year.  Thousands more use the Family Philanthropy Online Knowledge Center to search for answers on their own in the thousands of articles, sample documents, and other resources featured there. Without a doubt, the most frequently… Read More
Voices from the Field

Breaking Up and Moving On: a Staff Member’s Perspective on the Dissolution of a Family Foundation

Posted on February 25, 2014 by Joel Luedtke

We knew the outcome before the votes were cast. The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation – the proud embodiment of a fortunate family’s abiding compassion – would be split apart. It was October 2010. As a relatively new staff member of the foundation, it was hard for me at that time to see much good coming of this decision… Read More

How Can My Family Foundation Use Data Visualization to Better Tell Our Story?

Posted on February 15, 2014 by Ann K. Emery

Memos and metrics, emails and texts, newsletters and reports: Is your organization suffering from information overload? We consume 34 gigabytes, or 100,500 words, of information every day. Our brains are overwhelmed and struggling to keep up. Data visualization–or dataviz–is one of the strongest weapons against information overload. Colorful diagrams, well-designed charts, and engaging infographics are easy to digest and fun… Read More
Featured Article

Positive Tracks: A Story of Generation Next Philanthropy

Posted on January 15, 2014 by Nini Meyer, Gioia C. Perugini

Much has been written about the “next generation” and its integration into family philanthropy.  How will they get involved?  Will their philanthropic initiatives look different than those of their parents and grandparents?  What tools and resources can help them be most effective? Nini Meyer was raised in a family that held philanthropy as a core value.  From an early age,… Read More