Voices from the Field

Breaking Up and Moving On: a Staff Member’s Perspective on the Dissolution of a Family Foundation

Posted on February 25, 2014 by Joel Luedtke

We knew the outcome before the votes were cast. The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation – the proud embodiment of a fortunate family’s abiding compassion – would be split apart. It was October 2010. As a relatively new staff member of the foundation, it was hard for me at that time to see much good coming of this decision… Read More

How Can My Family Foundation Use Data Visualization to Better Tell Our Story?

Posted on February 15, 2014 by Ann K. Emery

Memos and metrics, emails and texts, newsletters and reports: Is your organization suffering from information overload? We consume 34 gigabytes, or 100,500 words, of information every day. Our brains are overwhelmed and struggling to keep up. Data visualization–or dataviz–is one of the strongest weapons against information overload. Colorful diagrams, well-designed charts, and engaging infographics are easy to digest and fun… Read More
Featured Article

Positive Tracks: A Story of Generation Next Philanthropy

Posted on January 15, 2014 by Nini Meyer, Gioia C. Perugini

Much has been written about the “next generation” and its integration into family philanthropy.  How will they get involved?  Will their philanthropic initiatives look different than those of their parents and grandparents?  What tools and resources can help them be most effective? Nini Meyer was raised in a family that held philanthropy as a core value.  From an early age,… Read More
Voices from the Field

Giving while living: Melinda Gates

Posted on December 15, 2013 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

Editor’s Note: The National Center has been delighted to partner in 2013 with the Bridgespan Group to share videos from its Conversations with Remarkable Givers series. In this month’s installment, our final in this series, we feature Bridgespan’s interview with Melinda Gates, board member and guiding force behind the world’s largest family foundation, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As co-chair… Read More
Featured Article

The Kaplan Family Foundation’s successful leadership transition

Posted on December 15, 2013 by Mollie Bunis, Dinaz Mansuri

Editor’s note: As the National Center for Family Philanthropy continues its ongoing focus on the topic of transitions, this month in Family Giving News we feature an excerpt from “A Legacy Lives On: The Kaplan Family Foundation’s Successful Leadership Transition,” the new Passages Issue Brief on the Mayer and Morris Kaplan Family Foundation’s experience with transition—the factors that contributed to… Read More
Voices from the Field

Giving while living: Carolyn and Peter Lynch

Posted on November 15, 2013 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

Editor’s Note: The National Center is delighted to partner in 2013 with the Bridgespan Group to share videos from its Conversations with Remarkable Givers series. In this month’s installment, we feature Bridgespan’s interview with Carolyn and Peter Lynch, co-founders of The Lynch Foundation. Under Peter Lynch, Fidelity Investments’ then-obscure Magellan Fund rose from $18 million in assets in 1977 to… Read More
Voices from the Field

Family Philanthropy and Impact Investing

Posted on November 15, 2013 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

The field of mission-related investing or broadly termed ‘impact investing’ continues to build momentum as investment opportunities span multiple asset classes, infrastructure improvements promote transparency, and social entrepreneurs are building sustainable, scalable companies. To date, industry growth has been driven largely by institutional investors such as public sector pension funds, banks, and private foundations.  We are now seeing a growing… Read More

What is the Biggest Threat to Nonprofit Missions That No One is Talking About?

Posted on November 15, 2013

This question is quite timely, given increasing community needs. The Nonprofit Finance Fund’s nationwide research found that in 2012, for the first time in the history of that organization’s surveys, a majority of nonprofits reported that they could not meet the increased demands for their services. And that was before the first round of sequestration cuts and the recent federal… Read More
Featured Article

The Irwin Sweeney Miller Foundation Creates an Enduring Legacy by Effecting Community Change

Posted on November 15, 2013 by Alice Buhl

This month’s Family Giving News feature article is excerpted from the newly released Passages Issue Brief detailing the story of the Irwin Sweeney Miller Foundation, whose third generation board members made the strategic decision to spend down with assets of approximately $25 million. The ISMF story is different from many spend down stories in two important ways: First, the decision… Read More