Featured Article

Planning for an Influx of Assets

Posted on August 26, 2015 by Elaine Gast Fawcett

An influx of assets is a powerful transition point in your family’s philanthropy. With rising resources comes the budding potential to do more of what you’re already doing – or, perhaps, to try something new. Either way, additional resources will often provide your foundation with new options for making a difference according to your foundation’s mission. … Read More

What Has Been the Impact of Your Fellowship Programs to the Communities You Fund? and Have You Been Able to Measure That Impact?

Posted on July 23, 2015 by Adam Simon, Monisha Kapila, Susan Dobkins

This month we are delighted to feature a question recently asked during our July webinar, Fellowship programs: Honoring family legacy and building future community leaders. This webinar highlighted the benefits and impact fellowship programs have on not only community members, but also the family foundation. Fellowship programs can be a complementary program to your grantmaking that honors the legacy of a loved one and encourages further collaboration efforst with community leaders. The featured presenters are Adam Simon from the Schusterman Foundation, Susan Dobkins and Dion Rurik from The Russell Family Foundation, and Monisha Kapila from ProInspire… Read More
Voices from the Field

What’s Next for the Ford Foundation?

Posted on July 23, 2015 by Darren Walker

When I wrote about my first year on the job, I asked you all to do something: Tell me the truth. That simple request drew more than 2,000 e-mails to my inbox. In reflecting on each and every response, I have become more aware of the ways in which we can improve our institution, and serve our mission. … Read More

Tips for Philanthropic Growth: Children, Not Dollars!

Posted on June 26, 2015 by Virginia M. Esposito

Ginny Esposito
For more than 30 years, I’ve been talking with parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles about bringing up healthy, happy, productive children in a philanthropic family. What I’ve come away with – and continue to share with others – are five keys. At the risk of over-simplifying a complex responsibility, I offer the lessons I’ve learned… Read More